Gerard Pique defender of Barcelona, admits he is ready to leave the Spanish team

Pique spoke on the subject after the game, and said that if the Spanish FA does not want it with the national side, it will move away.
"I will play for the Spanish team because I believe in democracy and there are many people in Spain who do not agree with what happened today," Pique told Spanish television.

"It's not a competition of patriotism, it's about going and giving everything you can to win - that's how I understand it," he said. "The person who goes with the national team is not the most patriotic, you have to go and perform to the fullest. .

"If anyone in the federation thinks it should not be there, I'm going to walk away."

According to Catalan health officials, more than 750 people were injured as security forces used rubber bullets and baton accusations as they clashed with demonstrators.

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