Is the end of Klopp at Liverpool?

Matt Stead’s article seems to be suggesting that Klopp needs to enact his “plan B” sooner. I would question what Matt would say the plan B actually is?

Isn’t the bottom line problem for Liverpool that Klopp has failed to identify weaknesses in the squad over the summer and has simply got a bench full of more of the same? In the Newcastle match how were subs Firmino or Solanke in any way a big change and therefore improvement on what was already on the pitch? Isn’t Firmino for Mane switching similar styles and Solanke for Sturridge much the same?

The issue is more that Klopp has a type of player and a set style and in reality plan B doesn’t actually exist. Last season and now this, teams are able to sit deep, frustrate the style and increasingly leave Liverpool to pot shots which cause the ridiculous shots on goal stats.

Even Wenger is smart enough to know that in the Premier League sometimes you go direct and need a Giroud to batter defenders. Look at United, Mourinho is building a team around Lukaku, Fellaini and Matics’ physicality. Liverpool don’t have anything like that so plan B is basically plan A with worse players.

Which again brings you back to the baffling decision to spend all that money on the Ox. I actually feel a bit sorry for the lad but come on, who did he think he was going to replace?

All Klopp can hope for is to limp through to Jan and actually try to buy a player or two to bring something different – to improve the first team not the bench.

As a side point for discussion – is it me or has Coutinho’s return weakened Liverpool? He’s a brilliant player but definitely culpable of boosting the off target shot count – is he maybe disrupting the style by trying to do it all himself to the detriment Firmino, Mane etc?

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